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During this webinar, we will discuss with you how you can build a clear and comprehensive cybersecurity roadmap with your clients. By using the Cyber Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) from QS solutions, you can deliver a cybersecurity report in a short period of time. Helping your customers understand their current cybersecurity position is key in making informed decisions on new security initiatives with them. It is the perfect way to upsell towards your security (managed) services and the Microsoft security products. The CSAT collects relevant security data by scanning Windows OS machines, the Active Directory, Microsoft 365 services, Azure AD, SharePoint, Intune and the Azure platform. The CSAT also features a questionnaire to gain insights into company policies and procedures around security.
As a result of the webinar, you will understand the value of Cybersecurity Assessments with CSAT and how this will improve your sales effectiveness of your security portfolio. Furthermore, the next steps of becoming a CSAT partner will be discussed.




  • Dennis Dols

    Dennis Dols

    Global Partner Manager
    QS Solutions

  • Paul Dols

    Paul Dols

    QS Solutions